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Texts of Ugolini's Three Motets
Exultate omnes
Exultate omnis, et congratulamini mihi, quoniam implevit Dominus petitionem meam magnificans salutes populi sui, et faciens misericordiam Christo suo. Let everyone exult and wish me joy, for the Lord has answered my prayer, helping to preserve his people and showing mercy through Christ.
Procedat Dominus noster ante servos suos. 
Accipe munus labionum nostronum sic enim vidimus faciem tuam quasi viderimus vultum Angeli Dei. 
Let our Lord go before his servants. 

Accept the offering of our lips, for thus we see your face as though we have seen the countenance of the angel of God. 

Benedictus Deus, qui fecit hodie in plebem suam misericordiam magnam in plebem suam. 
Blessed be God who today shows great mercy to his people. 



Beata es, Virgo Maria
Beata es, Virgo Maria, quae Dominum portasti creatorem mundi.  Genuisti qui te fecit et in aetaernum permanens virgo.

Ave Maria, gratia plena: Dominus tecum.

Blessed are you, Virgin Mary, who carried the Lord, creator of the world.  You bore Him who made you, though remaining forever a virgin.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Quae es ista
Quae est ista quae processit sicut sol et formosa tanquam Hierusalem?
Viderunt eam filiae Sion et beatam dixerunt, et reginae laudaverunt eam.
Et sicut dies verni circumdabant eam flores rosarum et lilia convallium.
Who is she who comes forth like the sun and beautiful as Jerusalem?

The daughters of Sion saw her and called her blessed, and queens praised her.
And like a spring day, roses surrounded her and the lilies of the valley.


Program notes by Linda Mack. Copyright 1999.
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